Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Does the Death Penalty Go Against the Bible?

Citation: "What does the Bible say about the Death Penalty." Got
     Questions Ministries, 2002-2010. Web. 13 Oct. 2010.

In this article, it talks about if the death penalty is against the bible or not. Surprisingly, it is not. The article states that the Old Testament law commanded the death penalty for various acts of crime and they also provide proof. With each crime they believe is punishable by death, they give the verse from the bible that proves it. However, God did show mercy on a few victims. The article shows that killing someone, who killed someone else is, nonetheless, the bibles idea. God is the One who instituted capital punishment: “Whoever sheds man's blood, by man his blood shall be shed, for in the image of God He made man” (Genesis 9:6). It is true that most religious people do not believe in the death penalty, but if it were God's perspective and it was preached and well-known, I assume most would change their opinions. I will use this information to show that the bible shares and proves my thoughts and opinions on capital punishment.

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