Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What Do The States Believe?

Citation: "Crimes Punishable by the Death Penalty." Death Penalty Information Center.
     Death Penalty Information Center, 2010. Web. 12 Oct. 2010.

This website describes all the different states in the United States and their position on the topic of what crimes they believe are punishable by death. Most states believe that first degree murder accompanied with aggravated factors is the main reason to why someone would receive capital punishment. Aggravated factors would include matters of torture, attempting to escape a felony, the murderer was given something of value for the crime, and many more depending on the state laws. On another hand, Montana believes along with first degree murder, if you rape someone that you are eligible for capital punishment. This information would be useful to show all the states have different but yet similar beliefs in capital punishment.

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